Funding News
A new overhead policy for third-party funded projects has been adopted.
to provide support for Ukrainian researchers who have fled Ukraine or who are unable to return to Ukraine because of the war.
Die britische Regierung hat ihre Zusage für die Gewährung einer Ersatzförderung für britische Teilnehmer an Horizon Europe auf weitere Ausschreibungen...
Vom Krieg in der Ukraine unmittelbar betroffene Wissenschaftler:innen können ab sofort in laufende FWF-Forschungsprojekte in ganz Österreich...
Transportation by train is preferred to travel by air as a contribution to environmental sustainability
On 2 February 2022, the European Research Council (ERC) published the tentative Calls Calendar for ERC calls in 2023 (opening in 2022).
New funding programme for excellent young scientists in mathematics, natural and life sciences, technical sciences and medicine.
The most important features at a glance
Watch the recorded Open Info Day for researchers and innovators on Youtube!