U:cris offers you various possibilities to present your scientific activities. In addition to publications and scientific activities, your third-party funded research projects implemented at the University of Vienna are also mapped in u:cris.
The most important features at a glance:
· The most important key data of your third-party funded projects are created for you in u:cris at the start of the project. Afterwards, you can add further information yourself via the u:cris user interface in the "Projects" section (e.g. add your project website and other important information, add further project members, link publications to projects).
· The basis of the project corner data is both the information already recorded in the u:cris database (as of 2016) and entries in SAP for externally funded research projects from 2004 to 2016.
· Details about the criteria for documenting externally funded projects in u:cris can be found here.
· Your publications and scientific activities are presented in the u:cris portal. Your projects can also be displayed in the u:cris portal. You yourself can decide on the visibility of all your research projects and make the desired visibility settings in the u:cris user interface.
- Attention: In the default setting, projects are initially "confidential", i.e. not publically visible.
· Selected information on externally funded research projects is automatically displayed publicly in the u:cris portal if this information is also published by the funding body (FWF, EU, WWTF, Jubilee Fund of the OeNB).
· u:cris also offers you the possibility to delegate the management of the project information of your research projects to other u:cris users*. To do so, use the "Trusted Users" function.
A quick guide and hints for editing and managing projects in u:cris can be found in the u:wiki.
Additional information on u:cris is also available on the u:wiki. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact the u:cris team via the service desk.