FWF - Information event on the 1000 Ideas programme as a webinar


10 December 2020, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. CET

With the 1000 Ideas programme, the FWF is promoting completely new, daring or particularly original research ideas that are outside of current scientific understanding.It is essential that they are ideas that have a high scientific and transformative potential, i.e. can challenge traditional understanding of the science field or represent unexpectedly high progress in the field. In particular in interdisciplinary research approaches and at the boundaries of existing disciplines, such unconventional research ideas are to be assumed and can be very suitable to meet the innovative goals of the 1000 Ideas programme.

The program is aimed at qualified researchers - both established researchers and researchers at the beginning of their careers - who work or want to work at Austrian research institutions.

The application guidelines are presented in a virtual information event and specific aspects of the application are discussed. After the lecture you have the opportunity to clarify any open questions. The number of participants at this event is limited to 40 people, so registration is required.

Registration deadline: 07.12.2020, 23:59

Register here.

You can find more information here and here.

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